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The learning Qigong, let's be healthy both physically and mentally.

Among the frequently asked questions to Qigong of Shuren, I have posted what number was often especially.
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Why do you will be able to emit outside Ki in a short period of time?
There is a thing called "Outside Ki" and "Inside Ki" in the mind. By subject to Outside Ki Masutomo Headmaster issues, you will be able to store the fresh Ki of Masutomo Headmaster to the human body on the side that receives, everyone emits light Outside Ki.
For more information about the time and expense and the like according to it, please refer to the School Overview.

Do you not tired After the emission outside Ki?
That was not that tiring which emits light from the outside Ki.
For Qigong of Shuren, instead of the outside Ki emission from the body of his, and then the outside Ki emission to relay the healing energy from the cosmic energy which exists in infinite space. So, it does not use the energy in the body of his, I'm not tired.

Do you from being reduced outside Ki and emit light?
You do not have to decrease.
As is also the answer to the above, I may not sources of energy "Ki" because it emits light in relay the energy of healing exist infinitely into space, or reduced, that or goes away suddenly one day.
Being able to light emitting once, you can continue to use life.

Breathing, gymnastics, etc. do you need?

For over 20 years - 10 years, must be carried out repeatedly practice a variety to be qigong in China.
There is a place in university, is provided to train a qigong master the "Qigong School" in China, but it's will be able to light emission is "mind" 40 people in one class, it is not just only 3-4 people only seems.
Among them, the people who get to be able to emit strong outside air, seems whether you are just one person.
In Qigong of Shuren, there was no need to do such Doko, you will be able to emit outside Ki.


Breathing, gymnastics, etc. do you need?

For over 20 years - 10 years, must be carried out repeatedly practice a variety to be qigong in China.
There is a place in university, is provided to train a qigong master the "Qigong School" in China, but it's will be able to light emission is "mind" 40 people in one class, it is not just only 3-4 people only seems.
Among them, the people who get to be able to emit strong outside air, seems whether you are just one person.
In Qigong of Shuren, there was no need to do such Doko, you will be able to emit outside Ki.